The next step will differ based on which version of PowerPoint you’re using. Beginning with PowerPoint 2003, a feature called 'Package for CD' automatically managed all linked video and audio files plus needed fonts when exporting a presentation to a disk or flash drive or network location, and also included a copy of a revised PowerPoint Viewer application so that the result could be presented on other PCs without.

Open the PowerPoint presentation you’d like to convert. This will open your file options on a drop-down menu. Open the folder that contains your presentation, and locate your PPT file.
Now, with Office 365 on the Mac App Store, it’s easier than ever to get the latest and best version of Office 365 for Mac, iPad and iPhone. How to Convert PowerPoint Slides (PPT) to MP4 Video. Find the PPT file you want to open on your computer. In a press release from Apple, VP Phil Schiller said, “Apple and Microsoft have worked together to bring great Office productivity to Mac users from the very beginning. Add style, and uniformity to your presentations with royalty free with unlimited downloads. Templates Pack includes professional business templates and backgrounds for PowerPoint. Here are direct links to the apps in the Mac App Store. PowerPoint Templates Pack: Use stunning professional template backgrounds in PowerPoint to keep your audiences attention. Its various versions include the programs: Word 2013. Its available as a stand alone desktop package or through Microsofts Office 365 subscription model. As part of the subscription software updates are applied automatically as they’re rolled out. Office 2013 is Microsofts desktop and cloud productivity suite. If you already have an Office 365 subscription, you can use it here. There is a free one-month trial for Office 365, after which the subscription is $69.99 a year, or $6.99 a month. The Office 365 bundle includes six apps: Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, and Word, each of which can also be downloaded individually.

For Apple enthusiasts who want to use Microsoft’s Office software on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone, you can easily download the full Office 365 bundle, or any of its individual apps, from the Mac App Store.